

June 2011

Memorial Day Murph


WOD Murph 1 mile run 100 pullups 200 pushups 300 squats 1 mile run

Memorial Day Murph2011-06-24T08:52:21+00:00

May 28th WOD


WOD “Randy” 75 Power Snatches(75,55) Post wod 10 weighted pullups

May 28th WOD2011-06-24T08:49:28+00:00

May 27th WOD


Strength wendler press 5-3-1 WOD 10-20-30 pushups 30-20-10 KB swings(53,35) 30-20-10 Calorie row 10-20-30 KB press(53,35) Post wod 400 flutter kicks

May 27th WOD2011-06-24T08:47:19+00:00

May 26th WOD


Strength Wendler week 3, 5-3-1 Press WOD 10-20-30 Push-ups 30-20-10 Pullups 30-20-10 Calorie row 10-20-30 2-hand bottoms-ups KB press (53#/36#) Post wod 400 flutter kicks

May 26th WOD2011-06-24T08:41:41+00:00

May 25th WOD


PR 500m row WOD Run 400m 30 front squats(75,55) 50 bar facing burpees Run 400m Post WOD 20 ring dips

May 25th WOD2011-06-24T08:39:25+00:00

May 24th WOD


strength Wendler Back squat 3 WOD 400m lunge Post wod 50 GHD situps 50 GHD hip extensions

May 24th WOD2011-06-24T08:35:42+00:00

May 23rd WOD


strength Wendler bench press 3 WOD 5 x 10 Hang cleans(135,85) 20 wallballs(20,14) Post wod 2 minute plank Teen WOD 60x Push-ups 50x Body rows 40x Sit-ups 30x Squats 20x WB 10x Box jumps 5x Burpees

May 23rd WOD2011-06-24T08:33:03+00:00

May 2011

May 17th – WOD


strength Wendler 3press WOD Tabata hollow rocks then 21-15-9 Calorie row Db hang power clean(35,25) GHD situp

May 17th – WOD2011-05-22T20:38:45+00:00

May 16th – WOD – CFCleveland 5K+ practice


strength Wendler 5 back squat Skill Kipping practice WOD Partner WOD 5x Partner 1 runs 500m Partner 2 does Cindy til Partner 1 returns with jumping pullups

May 16th – WOD – CFCleveland 5K+ practice2011-05-22T20:08:47+00:00

May 14th – WOD


Strength Wendler 5 bench press 5 rounds 5x back squat (185,135) 10x Burpees or WOD Double unders 50-40-30-20-10x reps(or 5x singles) Thrusters (135#/95#) 10-8-6-4-2x reps

May 14th – WOD2011-05-16T08:19:06+00:00
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