June 10th – WOD
nichole2011-07-02T19:05:52+00:005- rounds Rope climb 7x Back squat (185,135) 10x Burpee box jumps
5- rounds Rope climb 7x Back squat (185,135) 10x Burpee box jumps
Strength 3-3-3-1-1-1 deadlift WOD 5x 5 Turkish Get ups -right (35,26) 5 Turkish Get ups-left 25 SDHP(53,35)
Strength 10 minutes to find 1 RM shoulder press AMRAP 15 minutes 5 front squats(75% 1RM) 15 wallballs(20,14) 25 situps(arms folded on chest or GHD)
400m run Inchworms Tabata row WOD Helen 3x 400m run 21 KB swings(53,35) 12 pullupspost wod 25 ring dips 10 OHS(25,15)
CrossFit Leatherneck WOD Team of 2, each must do 30 ground to overhead(135,95) 50 tire flips 30 deadlifts(225,155) 50 box jumps(24,20) 30 burpee over bar
Strength Wendler 5-3-1 back squat WOD Death by Thrusters
Strength Wendler 5-3-1 Bench press WOD Regional WOD 6 20 calorie row 30 burpees 40 2-handed DB ground to overhead(45,25) 50 T2B 100’ overhead walking lunge(45,25 plates) 100m sprint Post wod 3 minute plank
Strength Wendler week 3 Deadlift WOD 7x 7 backsquats(.7x 1RM) 10 bulgarian squats each leg 7 burpees Post wod 3 handstands