July 8th – Fundamentals Graduation Day
nichole2010-07-08T21:56:22+00:00Congratulations on completion of the Fundamentals Class - Laura, Shelly and Renee!
Congratulations on completion of the Fundamentals Class - Laura, Shelly and Renee!
21 pullups, 21 Situps 100ft walking lunge 18 pullups, 18 situps 100ft walking lunges 15 pullups, 15 situps 100ft walking lunges 12 pullups, 12 situps 100ft walking lunges 9 pullups, 9 situps 100ft walking lunges 6 pullups, 6 situps
Warm up Hollow Rocks & Broad jumps Skill - Front Squat WOD 7 Rounds Run 300 7 Front Squats (45#) Cash Out 2 Rounds 10 Knees to elbows 10 ab mat situps Practice Handstands
Dead Lift 1,1,1,1,1 New PR's for Alex -245lbs 1.5 Bodyweight, Jack - 240lbs 1.7 Bodyweight, Andrea - 135lbs. Congratulations!
100 pullups 100 situps 100 sit ups 100 squats
"Christine" 3 rounds, Run 500m 12 Deadlifts 21 Box Jumps Casey beat his previous "Christine" time by over 10 minutes and and Jack by 7 minutes . Thats a huge improvement! Congratulations guys! Also new 500m row personal records by Casey, Jack, Lindsey, Alli, Mark and Ben. Jason wore a 20lb vest for the [...]
Alex beat his previous time by 8 minutes! 10:54 with 95lbs. Huge improvement in only 8 weeks. And Andrea knocked almost 3 minutes off her time from just5 weeks ago! Eric and Adam alsto beat the 15minute benchmark coming in at 11:00 and 14:40 (Eat breakfast next time guys!)
Alex 1:49, Andrea 2:11, Crabby 2:13, Eric 1:54, and Adam 2:08!
Great Job Shelly 155lbs lbs and Laura 145lbs - both new Deadlift PR's by 30lbs!