November 2010
October 2010
October 20th – WOD
nichole2010-10-20T20:54:59+00:00Welcome Se and Noel from CrossFit Ewa Beach!! It was great visiting with you! AMRAP 15 5 Front Squats 7 HSPU 9 Pullups
September 2010
Sept 15th – Jack’s 343 WOD
nichole2010-09-21T22:47:21+00:00Jack missed the 343 Hero WOD on Monday so chose to do it today. I noticed the clock wasn't working so quickly started it, but he had already done 25 deadlifts. He knew he had to start over.... so he did 125 deadlifts 105# 100 power cleans 65# 100 Ground to overhead 35# 43 burpees [...]
Sept 15th – WOD
nichole2010-09-21T22:26:05+00:00400m run 21-15-9 Thrusters(95#, 65#) Box Jumps Pushups ("smash the donut" or games release) 400m run
Sept 13th – WOD & Teen Strength & Conditioning
nichole2010-09-19T16:13:43+00:00Hero WOD "343" in honor of the 343 firefighters lost on 9/11/01 100 Deadlifts (145#, 115#) 100 Power Cleans (95#, 65#) 100 Ground to Overhead (65#, 35#) 43 Burpees