May 24th WOD
nichole2011-06-24T08:35:42+00:00strength Wendler Back squat 3 WOD 400m lunge Post wod 50 GHD situps 50 GHD hip extensions
strength Wendler Back squat 3 WOD 400m lunge Post wod 50 GHD situps 50 GHD hip extensions
strength Wendler bench press 3 WOD 5 x 10 Hang cleans(135,85) 20 wallballs(20,14) Post wod 2 minute plank Teen WOD 60x Push-ups 50x Body rows 40x Sit-ups 30x Squats 20x WB 10x Box jumps 5x Burpees
strength Wendler 3press WOD Tabata hollow rocks then 21-15-9 Calorie row Db hang power clean(35,25) GHD situp
strength Wendler 5 back squat Skill Kipping practice WOD Partner WOD 5x Partner 1 runs 500m Partner 2 does Cindy til Partner 1 returns with jumping pullups
My hotmail account was hacked today. Please delete emails from me received today with a blank subject field. Hank
Strength Wendler 5 bench press 5 rounds 5x back squat (185,135) 10x Burpees or WOD Double unders 50-40-30-20-10x reps(or 5x singles) Thrusters (135#/95#) 10-8-6-4-2x reps
Strength Wendler 5 bench press 5 rounds 5x back squat (185,135) 10x Burpees